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Radical Faith

By Larry Elder



For we walk by Faith and not by sight. So once we get born again, now faith is coming and this faith enables us to do things.


As you saw Jesus, he spoke to a tree and the tree dried up from the roots. And I'm saying that he was using faith.


And if you just look at the scriptures, you'll see that that's all over the scriptures that this faith is what God wants the church to live by. And he said in Romans 10:17, he said Southern fades commit by hearing and hearing by the word of God.


Now, sometimes in churches, unfortunately, there is a lack of faith. Faith only comes one way. By hearing and hearing what? The Word of God.


Pay Attention To Words


So faith doesn't come by emotion. Faith doesn't come sometimes when people are in churches and so forth, there's a lot of emotion, a lot of sensation. Faith doesn't come by talking about politics and so forth. Faith doesn't even come from people trying to expound theology.

You'll see, you'll find that even if you, um, I want to qualify that. I'm just saying that faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. Once, once you get the Word of God, for you to get faith, you're going to have to move from inflammation to revelation. And once you move to revelation, faith comes on that level. And so you'll find when revelation decreases so does faith. And so God wants us to go from faith to faith, to faith, to faith. 


What I'm saying is that many times when we see that there is no manifestation the reason for the most part is because there is no faith being preached. And the apostle Paul said the word of faith, which we preach, and this word of faith is necessary for you to see the demonstration of faith in the churches that we're in. I like what Bishop David Oyedepo said, he said, that faith if it has no proof, it's fake.


When you hear faith it ignites the spirit, and you have to receive it by faith. In Hebrews 11:3, he says, by faith we understand. Now if you just stop right there, you can see that faith is not human reason. Faith as a matter of fact, human reason is an enemy of faith. The Bible even talks about Romans, chapter eight verse five.


Let's start right there. For they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh, but they that are after the Spirit the things of the spirit, for to be carnally minded is death. But to be spiritually minded is life and peace. 


Carnally minded is mindful of the senses that we're mindful many times people are looking for some human, something that can feel, touch, taste, and so forth and so on, but that's not in the realm of faith. Paul told Timothy in second Timothy chapter four in verse two, he said, preach the word. He said, to be instant in season and out of season. Reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long-suffering and doctrine because he said for the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine. 


Now, he knew that when you are preaching faith, you will find that that's when the enemy tries to get involved. He comes to steal that word because he knows that faith will move that mountain for you. And so what you'll find is you'll find that some people when they hear faith, there is even a tendency to get offended. Look at Matthew 15:12-13, then came his disciples they said unto him, knowest thou that the Pharisees were offended after they heard the saying, but he answered and said into that said, every plant which my heavenly father has not planted shall be what? Rooted up.


Now I'm saying that I am a faith preacher.  Now, the thing that the scriptures bring out in Hebrews 13:7, remember them, which have the rule over you spoken unto you the Word of God, whose faith what? Follow. That's whose faith you follow.


Now I'm saying you follow their faith. They got to have some evidence that if you gonna follow... now I understand Jesus was producing evidence, but it was offensive to religious leaders. They didn't want it because they knew what it was going to do. See that part of their ministries was built up, some of them on great oratory or traditions of men or whatever have you. But that's not going to distinguish the church. That's not going to distinguish the church. What's going to distinguish the church is going to be some kind of evidence, that something is happening in and through you, that's not happening out there. Romans chapter 4 and verse 13, for the promise that he should be the heir of the world, was not to Abraham or seed to the law, but to the righteousness of faith. All right.


Let’s go look at it in the amplified translation first. Let's try that. For the promise to Abraham or his posterity that he should inherit how much? World. Did not come through observation of the command of the law, but through the what? The righteousness of faith. All right, let’s go to the new living translation.


 God's promise to give the whole earth to Abraham and his descendants was based not on his what? Obedience to God's law, but on what? A right relationship with God comes from faith. Now, I'm talking about giving the whole earth to Abraham and his seed. I'm saying that the wicked don't own a thing. They're just holding it until the people of God stopped singing them unbelieving songs and wake up the faith that they can take their inheritance.


So I'm saying that to us now that we've got something inside of us and the Satan has worked cleverly trying to keep that from manifesting. And so in, in the scriptures, it talks about the word of faith, which we preach. Here is Jesus cursing the fig tree. Then he saw teaching on faith. Here's Jesus going to the other side. Mark chapter 4 starting at verse 35, and in the middle of here comes a storm. This storm comes and is about to sink this boat and they cried out and said don't you even care? 


And he gets up, rebukes to wind, and says to the sea, peace be still. And what happened? There was a great calm and then he turns to them and said, why are you so fearful? How do you have no faith? You have slept with me, you walk with me, you went in the house, you ate with me, you did all of this.


So you can sleep in the same house as Jesus. Walk with him, talk with him, eat with him, and still not have one ounce of faith. And that's what's happening in the church. Got this big ol' Bible in our lap. Here singing religious songs every Sunday. But where is your faith? Because out there they got things going on out there that we shouldn't be allowing to happen on our watch. Somebody's got to talk about this. A tree producer and that's what we should be doing. I'm saying right there in your city, what's going on? And we got to come back and regroup. Wait a minute. Now what's going on here? 


 See faith sees the future. You can't talk faith out of action cause once you are in faith you can see.

And I'm saying that when you start moving in faith and start accumulating, the Pharisees will arise up against you and that's the way you can kind of know that you're moving forward in faith. Now I'm saying that because you gotta stay in faith. You got to start with faith. You gotta grow in faith and God leaves it up to you to do that. He's now gonna just you know, he's given you that part. 


I'm just saying here that when God is using you to walk by faith, do not consult your reason. Do not consult human logic, because it ain't in there. It is somewhere above that God is going to use you to change some things on the face of this earth and in your city.


Now what am I saying here I’m just saying you have to get in faith about things expect God to work in your home expect God to work in your community in your church in your business in your ministry everywhere expect miracles signs and wonders because in this our God is on the move like never before praising the Lord.

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